Become a Member

Membership in St. Louis Theatre Organ Society is open to all who love the theatre pipe organ and its music! Whether you play the organ, enjoy learning about and working on the mechanics of the pipe organ to help maintain them, are an avid listener, or have a particular fondness for the magnificent theatres that house these glorious instruments, SLTOS has its welcome mat out for you!

Some of the benefits of joining SLTOS are:

  • Monthly newsletter subscription to The Shutter Chatter. It is emailed to everyone unless requested otherwise.
  • Monthly socials offer the opportunity to hear many of the local instruments and artists that live right here in our area, as well as the occasional one from other parts of the country! These events are free to our members and their friends.
  • Social activities with people of similar interests.
  • The ability for open console access at many of the monthly socials.
  • The enjoyment of listening to the beautiful and exciting music performed on the “King of Instruments”

Basic membership in SLTOS is $40.00 annually. If you choose to also join American Theatre Organ Society (ATOS), that annual fee is $70.00 By joining ATOS, you will receive a beautifully published bi-monthly full color journal “Theatre Organ” and will have the opportunity to attend regional, national, and international conventions.

Your membership dollars to SLTOS and/or ATOS helps us realize the goals and mission we all share for promoting and presenting the art of the Theatre Pipe Organ. A portion of your dollars may be tax-deductible (please consult your tax advisor).

So, whether you are an organist, technician, or simply enjoy listening and socializing… we invite you to become a member of St. Louis Theatre Organ Society and help us keep the music playing for generations to come!

To become a member, print out the membership application and send it and a check or money order to:

   Mrs. Bonita Krupp, Membership Secretary

   St. Louis Theatre Organ Society

   215 N. Morrison Ave 

   Collinsville, IL 62334-3447

Privacy Statement

Privacy is important to St Louis Theatre Organ Society, and always has been.  We have developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information.  Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Privacy Policy

September 2017

Upon joining St Louis Theatre Organ Society, each person’s personal contact information which includes first and last names, mailing address, phone number(s), and emails will be stored in three places.  First is with the Membership Secretary:  Second is with the Business Secretary:  Third is with the Newsletter Editor.  This personal information will never be knowingly sold, traded or given away for any reason to any third party.  SLTOS will maintain this information solely for the use of its needs to reach you as a member to share information for upcoming events and activities.  Every January the most up to date membership list will be made available to any member that requests it.  It will be mailed by USPS or emailed depending on the request.  If you do not want your information shared within the organization, you must contact the President, the Business Secretary or the Membership Secretary in writing to request your information be removed from any shared files.